Screenshot of the Simple tool from a stream with Fred and Dan

Simply Going Wild

When we started working on UQM2, we knew we would want to involve the community: starting a subreddit, conducting live streams of work, and eventually arriving here at our next weird and wild experiment.

Very shortly, we will be providing a copy of the development tools we use and our own, real Melee data for anyone to play with and enjoy. This means any of the work you see Dan doing on stream is something you, too, will be able to do. You could make a new ship, play networked Melee with a friend (or enemy), or even make entirely different gameplay!

What we’ll be giving you is in active development and by no means complete. It is something which we are using to build UQM2, though, and will continue to improve. In addition to the help we’ll receive from everyone using and having fun with our tools, we’d like to set up a Patreon page where you can support our active development. If it is wildly successful beyond anyone’s imagination, you may even help us avoid the need for a costly crowdfunding campaign, and UQM2 will be even better for it.

What do you think? What questions do you have? Discuss with us on Reddit!